Monday, February 14, 2011

I Love

Since it is Valentines Day I figured I would share ten of the random things that I love.

First thing is I love dark chocolate, and honestly would take it over a piece of milk chocolate any day.

Second, I seriously love Nivea Chapstick it makes your lips feel so baby smooth kind of random but give it a try sometime I am hooked.
Third, I love fireworks so that does happen to make the fourth of July one of my favorite holidays.
Fourth, I love hot air balloons for some reason. I have loved them since I was probably like five, but I have always, always wanted to go on one so maybe one day, but for now I just have to enjoy them from the ground.
Fifth, I love PF Changs so yes its my favorite Resturant.

Six and Seven, ok I had to combine these two but you'll get the idea. I love star gazing, and city lights I mean just look at the picture below how could you not.

Eight, I Love Cardigans!! They are probably currently my favorite clothing item. They are just so dang cute, and you can pretty much wear one with anything they just make your outfit look so good.

 Nine. I love skiing. No thats no me, and maybe one day it will. For now I just enjoying doing my thing.
Last but not least number ten. I am in love with getting pedicures, and since the weather is starting to get warmer I can justify spending the money. I just love having my toe nails look so cute when I wear open shoes or sandals. If I was rich enough this would be a regular occurence.
Now of course I have so many people in my life that mean so much to me. Yes, I love you all!! I hope you all have the best day ever, and thank you for everything you do for me.
Happy Valentines Day!!

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