Monday, May 7, 2012

Good Morning from Washington

Good Morning to my Favorite People Ever,
Well can you believe that you are about ready to send your second missionary off in 2 days!!! HOLY CRAP!! I remember exactly what that was like, and all the emotions so Steven get ready!!! I am super excited for you, and I can only imagine how your feeling just have fun. I am going to give you a few tips.
RECORD YOUR SETTING APART BLESSING!!!! I wish I would have done this. It would be so cool to go back and listen to the promises and council you are going to receive.
1. I LOVED the MTC!!! Loved it!! Enjoy every second.
2. Get close with your district it makes all the difference. I still get letters from people in my district. Your about to met so many people who will become so of your bestest friends.
3. The first few days will probably feel kind of long. Don't worry it gets faster. The key is to just love it. It will probably feel like a dream for a little while.
4. The wrap line is where is at!! Also stick with Healthy cereal on Sunday-no line.
5. Firesides and Devotionals are the BEST!! Take notes- they will change your life.
6. Gym time- have fun
7. Email on the floor with a printer. Print all your emails and read them later, and then race that stupid 30 min timer. You better make sure I get your emails every week!! No excuses
8. Enjoy the process of learning Spanish- Just practice, and don't be afraid to mess up. It really does come.
9. Basically just love it, and I can't wait to hear all about it!!! I will be thinking about you tons because I know how it feels.
Well now I will start giving you the update from Seattle. OK so basically this week I feel like we have to just start over with everything. I feel like there are so many people, but not so many who are really actually ready to act and progress. I mean we talk to tons of people every day, but now we have to start getting some solid investigators. I still feel pretty new to the area, and Hermana Peak has served here before but that was about a year ago. So basically I am feeling like the one with the responsibility one because I have to drive because she lost her driving privileges. Then since I have been here for 6 weeks she is always asking who we should go see. Really I am still trying to figure out who the heck everyone is and we have a big area. Hermana Spiller had served here for 10 months so she knew Seattle like the back of her hand where I don't. The other night on Wednesday we had a set appt with a family, and I had talked to her on Tuesday to confirm so it was pretty set. Of course since everything is not always cherries on top she wasn't home. Which kind of stinks because we even had member help with us. Then basically Hermana Peak looks at me, and is like OK where are we going. Really I just didn't have the slightest idea, and I probably said I don't know. As we are driving down the street i am just praying then our member help suggested a family that had been taught last summer. Of course I have no idea who they are, but we were able to find the appt complex. Hermana Peak actually met them when she was here earlier anyway we ended up being able to talk to his wife for the first time, and having a lesson with her. I don't know if it will go anyway, but it was pretty neat experience to know that through all of us we got something figured out. I think that is still whats so hard is both my other areas I knew really well. Of course Kent I was still pretty new to this whole mission thing, but it was a smaller area. With Bellevue I just knew the area, and felt really comfortable. Well that is not the case with here. Which I guess I have some real good lessons to learn. I had a small moment yesterday where I was standing in the foyer waiting for investigators to show up for stake conference, and I just started to cry. Not really joyful I feel the spirit kind of tears more of like I am done with this whole mission thing!! Like I said we have to start all over, I am still working on Charity for the area- which means the Lord is probably going to keep me here until I get it, and we had tried that morning to get our investigators there and it didn't happen. Oh and I for a second got really sick of having to have someone by my side for 24 hours I mean really sometimes I would love to have my space, and not have to worry about leaving the room to answer a phone call with someone attached to my hip. Its not that I don't love the people I do, but it was just one of those moments. Then after stake conference we went on with our day, and it was such a beautiful day. Yesterday I did not wear tights!!! Which is huge because just about 2 days ago I was wearing a sweater, and boots... in may. Then we were able to go make visits, and contact then I felt better. The key really is to forget yourself and go to work. That doesn't mean I still didn't get bugged. Ok I am going to vent for just one second more, and then I will be done. Ok yesterday Hermana Peak did some translating  which is great she has been talking about that since I first met her. So please power to you. Well then she ended up talking about it all day!!! Really every second she said something about translating or not having to translate, and I am not exaggerating!!! Basically I did really well at the beginning with positive feedback, and all that by the end of the day I probably could have freaked out. Don't worry I remained calm. Then this morning one more thing that just bugged me. I know its going to sound stupid, but you know how you have those days and everything bugs you? Well that had happened to me. I made pancakes this morning for breakfast, and after she offered to take my plate. Then she set the 2 dirty plates on the counter with out washing them or putting them in our empty dishwasher!! Really please tell me why your going to offer to take my plate if your just going to move it from the table to the counter- OK thanks but no thanks. Then I am the one who washed them, and put them in the dishwasher!! Thanks for letting me just get that out.
Well good new Alicia came to stake conference yesterday!! Then we also have a member of the 70 visiting our mission Elder Golden. Last night we had a fireside for investigators, and recent converts and she was in attendance. Then I got to see emigidio which was super good to see him, and get an update. He is still progressing, and will be baptized before I end my mission!! He is so great!! He wants to be baptized he just wants to take things slower, but i believe he is working on going for a date this summer so really soon. Tomorrow we have the chance to hear from him as missionaries so that will be a pretty sweet experience. Oh they asked me about a week ago to say the closing prayer so lets hope no spanish words come out. Also Today I finished the book of Mormon in spanish!!! Now I get to start it again which is pretty sweet, and I am so excited to keep reading it in spanish. I still have lots to learn, but that's what is so great I can study it in spanish or English for the rest of my life.
Now on to the best news ever!!! I GET TO TALK TO YOU IN 5 DAYS!!!! I am going to try and figure out a way that we can Skype so stay tuned!!! I am sure I can get permission to call you both. I AM SO EXCITED!!!!! I love you all so much, and I will talk to you on SUNDAY. Have a great week, and know that your in my prayers. Enjoy Everything!!! Good Luck Wednesday. I am so proud of you Steven, and just love every second. LOVE YOU.
Love Always. Hermana Grimes

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